10 Ways to Promote Kids Creativity


Creativity in children is not only a fun activity; it also has significant benefits for their mental and emotional development. For example, when children are creative, they can improve their interpersonal skills, making it easier for them to navigate social situations. Creativity also promotes problem-solving abilities, which may come in handy later in life when the child faces difficult life challenges. If you have recently checked any of the good CBSE schools in Bangalore you would know how much emphasis is laid upon fostering creativity in students.

Additionally, creativity is essential for children because it allows them to develop their own unique identity distinct from that of the crowd. Creativity is also crucial to a child's sense of self. Developing creative insights at an early age can enhance emotional health and well-being.

Creativity allows children to comprehend information on their terms. In social situations, these children are also known to be more confident and resilient. In addition, children can use creative thinking to improve their understanding of math, science, language arts, and other subjects. Consequently, schools across the country including a number of good CBSE schools in Bangalore, even in their virtual classes have made sure to keep the students creatively engaged.

You can encourage your child's Creativity at home or school in the following ways:

1.       Introduction to wide range of creative endeavors: -

It's impossible to predict what will pique your child's interest. Encourage your child to participate in activities varied activities such as singing, dancing, telling stories, drawing, and dressing up to help them develop their imagination and creativity as well as discover their skills and interest. Create an environment in the classroom that encourages students to be creative. For example, you might want to create awards or bulletin boards to show off different approaches to a problem or innovative solutions to a real-world problem.


2.       Do not compel your child: -

Rather than pushing your child to try something they don't want to, embrace what they show interest in. If your child enjoys coloring, encourage them to try other activities such as drawing or painting. Forcing your child to play music if they don't want to will most likely make them stressed and less interested in the activity.  Finding what your child engages the most in any of the good CBSE schools in Bangalore is no big deal, as these schools will always have a myriad of options to choose from, let them find their own inclination.


3.       Lead by example: -

By setting a good example, you can show your child how much you value creativity. Starting a new creative activity at home, such as cooking, sculpting, or painting, is an excellent place to begin. Hang art around the house, stock your shelves with storybooks, and take your child to plays and musicals to create a creative environment for yourself and your family. The more you show your child that creativity is vital in your life, the more important it will appear to them.


4.       Give your kids time to be bored: -  

There are so many activities available these days to keep your children occupied. There is little downtime between pre-school, chores, screen time, extracurricular, and other activities. That downtime, however, is critical because it forces children to think of new ways to entertain themselves. Boredom, rather than stimulating creativity, makes children more motivated, engaging, and psychologically healthy.


5.       Encourage curiosity: -

Take into account what is important for your child as a student. Student interest is a great place to start when determining what motivates their own thinking tank. Find inspiration in their environment. Nature is full of creativity. Try to encourage creativity by putting yourself in their shoes and discovering what motivates them. School activities are great place to start when determining what motivates their own thinking tank. Allow them to find inspiration in their environment, schools near chikkabanavara, such as Edify are good example of how to instigate the interest of the student while allowing them to explore their environment whether online or offline.


6.        Employ a collaborative creative thinking model: -

For example, read a paragraph and then break into groups to discuss a list of questions. Collaborative problem solving is quickly gaining popularity. Many good CBSE schools in Bangalore have incorporated creative thinking models into their curriculum. The schools create activities where the students are involved in a series of challenges for them to practice problem-solving and critical thinking skills while also being creative.


7.       Allow them make mistakes: -

Instead of pointing out flaws, as parents you should encourage your children's creativity and talk to them about their thoughts and feelings. When you concentrate on correcting errors, play becomes more about perfectionism than exploration and imagination. If you, do it too often, your children may become afraid to try new things and express themselves. 


8.       Ensure beneficial screen time:

It's not that video games are bad; however, they can be addictive and time-consuming. So, for your children, divide their time between the screen and non-screen activities. Consult with the school or teacher for the usage of different applications available. You can also introduce the kids to the plethora of educational videos available online. There is so much to see, learn, and experience. For example, Edify School, one of the best schools near chikkabanavara in Bangalore allows the children to practice creativity beyond the online classes in the forms of home assignments etc.


9.       Nurture problem-solving abilities in your kid: -

Demonstrate that an item or a problem can be used in multiple ways. A pencil, for example, can be used for more than just drawing and writing. A pencil can be used as a drumstick, a hole punch, or a mini fort pole. This teaches your child to think about things from different perspectives and to see things in new ways. Make an art jar or bucket filled with supplies for various projects, such as crayons, glue sticks, and paintbrushes. Provide them with a variety of tools available on the market so that they can try them out.

10.   Help them boost self-confidence with creativity: -

Students take charge of their education. Consider how your child could design a project. For example, suggest them to exhibit their final projects for any subject at home before school submission. Kids will be ecstatic with their final product and learn a lot from your inputs and appreciation as much as they will learn while presenting at school.

 We hope these ten suggestions have given you some ideas for encouraging your child's Creativity. The key is to figure out what kind of creative outlet each child has and then nurture it. As parents it is pertinent to keep in mind that there can be various ways of encouraging the creative instincts of your child, but it is not necessary that what works for other will work. Particularly why you will find the schools near chikkabanavara, such as Edify or for any of the good CBSE schools in Bangalore, including as many creative aspects for the students as possible., which is always an added advantage for the parents to help their child grow holistically.


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