The growing impact of technology in teaching

technology in teaching

 Teaching is regarded as one of the noblest professions.  After all, a teacher is imparting education and wisdom to young minds and helping them grow towards a better future. Since the olden times, teaching has changed significantly when it comes to methods, curriculum and medium. One look at the current scenario and it paints a fascinating picture.

Much of the change that is visible in the present state can be attributed to the rampant development of technology and its impact on education as a whole.  The teaching process has also undergone massive change due to the enormous influx of tech tools. CBSE affiliated schools and many others have taken such developments in their stride and used it to their benefit.

Perhaps one of the most significant factors that have accelerated the whole process is the ongoing COVID pandemic. Few could have imagined teaching methods to take such a drastic turn for the better. Teachers log into real-time applications and conduct their lessons through a screen. Although it has been a bit of a challenging transition, virtual classrooms are no now crucial part of our lifestyle.

They have to solve doubts, keep track of student progress and take exams online. However, that is indeed the scenario currently, and technology finds itself playing a massive role in the whole process. But how has the growth of technology impacted teaching? We explore that in detail below.


New and innovative teaching techniques

It would be a fair claim that there is a common idea of teaching techniques centered around a few simple things. A teacher explains a lesson to students on a black or whiteboard. That’s what we have known it to be so far. But the fact is that even before the forced changes due to the pandemic, teachers were often known to introduce newer and much more innovative techniques.

The use of tech tools such as projectors, computer screens and smart boards have made explaining lessons more exciting and involving. These tools make teaching a seamless experience as resources are presented to the students to appeal to them. Top Bangaloreschools such as Edify School Chikkabanavara have used such innovative teaching techniques using technology, which has revolutionized the way education has been imparted.

Student engagement is improved.

Teachers often face the challenge in CBSE affiliated schools and in general when it comes to keeping students engaged at all times. It’s only natural that students might not pay their full attention to a lesson they are not finding interesting. Here, the onus comes on the teacher to use tech tools to make the not-so-interesting lessons engaging.

If students feel that they are a part of the lesson in equal measure, they will invest their attention and concentration. When that happens, it counts as a massive win for any teacher as they can get their teaching across, and students also benefit from better understanding and scores in exams.

Classrooms and learning resources are more dynamic.

Imagine having a last-minute doubt for an exam, or not being able find important notes for the said exam. At that point, one would give anything to have those issues resolved right away. With the development of technology, it is now possible. One could simply ask the teacher for the digital resources or check an online portal for recordings of previous lessons. If a teacher cannot explain it well, they could provide other online resources to solve the query.

Even classrooms are no longer limited to CBSE affiliated schools and others. A hybrid learning approach is currently being used where online and offline classes are practiced in a way that is permissible in the current climate of the pandemic. Digital communities using Microsoft Showcase Schools and Adobe Creative Educators are gaining traction as well.

 What that has done is teachers are now free to guide students whenever required, aside from the allocated school hours. That is a massive help for the students who might be having difficulty understanding or cannot keep up with the rest of the class. It is essential to understand that not all students learn at the same pace, and that bit of extra guidance whenever they need it is invaluable.

Technology has become a part of education, and teachers can use it to their and the students’ benefit.

Technology was seen as a distraction in education or academia not too long ago. However, the stance on the same could not have altered much more. The introduction of technology to teaching has undoubtedly benefited teachers in providing a much better experience for the students.

In an increasingly shifting to a more technological paradigm, it has become necessary for teachers to use technology or risk falling behind. It has also allowed them to revamp their existing, traditional methods to make them future-ready. So far, the majority of them have adjusted well and used technology. We could see it being further incorporated into their processes and techniques as more and more innovations are being made in the domain.

Among the top Bangalore schools, Edify School Chikkabanavara has used e-classrooms to provide the most modern teaching methods to educators and teachers. Using such technologically advanced classes, we aim to prepare teachers to teach 21st-century tech skills into their methodology that helps the student acquire these in-demand skills for now and the future.

The main objective is to aid teachers in integrating technology into a helpful learning mechanism for the curriculum at the school. We believe that learning goes beyond the traditional methods, and it is necessary to keep up with the rapid progress of the world by utilizing the potential of technology.


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