What is inquiry-based learning and why it is important for children?

What is inquiry-based learning and why it is important for children?

Inquiry-based learning is a rather interesting concept when it comes to children in kindergarten and nursery schools. After all, the basic definition of the same overlaps so much on the natural learning process and understanding of children. In layman terms, inquiry-based learning is a process where the learner understands any concept through questions or queries of their own.

Inquiry-based learning (IBL) as a whole is important in the sense that it keeps learners more involved in the concepts being discussed, and it is their inherent nature to ask and learn about new things. It’s not just theoretical concepts that they are just learning. They are getting to apply them to real-life situations, draw conclusions and then learn from the whole process.

Essentially, the learner is encouraged to participate in the learning process, instead of just going through, or being taught from the study material. The teacher and learner are equal parts in this process, and it is more interactive than traditional methods. However, this sort of learning finds a bigger place in children more than the grown-ups as concepts grow more rigid and theoretical.

A good example of IBL is problem solving in logical concepts or subjects. The answers are known by the teacher and instead of just guiding the learners towards the solution they can allow the latter to view the problem from their perspective and come up with possible solutions. Not only does this help get to the solution but also creates scope for different methods to solving the problem.  Then the teachers are also aware of how the learners think and go about problem-solving.

There are a number of reasons why inquiry-based learning is important for children

.Student involvement and inclusivity

Kindergarten and nursery school children are at an age where the interest in learning is the highest. It is right from this age that they have to be guided in the right way, using the right methods. Here is where an inquiry-based learning method can be useful. When students are learning by asking questions, they are developing a sense of knowledge gain by themselves. It helps later in their higher studies as they are more aware of their academic and mental capabilities.

They are more likely to ask questions and seek answers when they are being kept in the loop by the teachers. At some of the good CBSE schools in Bangalore, such as Edify, they have designed and integrated a curriculum called the ‘3C’ which stands for Character, Content, and Competence. It is outlined to create a participate environment for the young students, and intrigue is ushered in their minds so that they learn non-academic and academic skills in equal measure.

·    Kindergarten and nursery school children get more help in development for the future

If education isn’t imparted in the right way, it could lead to problems in the future. Often, students who feel they are not a part of the interaction process with the teachers and peers, can grow an aversion to the learning process over the rest of their academic life. However, when every student is included and interacted with via inquiry-based learning, it puts the urge in them to know and find out more about concepts.

Once kindergarten and nursery school children ask questions about the concepts being taught, they ask more questions about the initial answers. That can go on and on if a teacher is able to mold the learning process in the same way and keep their intrigue. It helps the teachers as well to foster an environment where every student is involved and are learning by themselves in a manner of speaking.

· More in tune with the modern demands

Education has to develop rapidly in a manner that caters to the developments in the world. The whole ‘textbook knowledgeable’ phase is being phased out as more and more practical skills are in demand. Then there is the whole advent of online education, and it has raised the emphasis on education in that manner right from kindergarten and nursery schools. It is even more important here that inquiry-based learning is put to effect in children as there is no level of physical engagement online.

So, if children can feel out of the loop in the class itself, it’s not far-fetched to think that they can feel more of the same online. Teachers are required to practice the method more in a way that, despite the online medium, all the students can be involved in equal capacity. A greater degree of effort might be required on the part of the educator, to cut the gap that has been created due to the online platform.

·Development of effective communication, confidence and individuality

The emphasis of the above three factors cannot be emphasized enough. When students from kindergarten and nursery school are brought up in the model of inquiry-based learning, they learn effective communication skills at a very young age which might be difficult to nurture later on if not there. That leads them to be much more confident, which is a rather important trait to develop early on.

These kindergarten and nursery school children are then prepared to develop a sense of individuality. It all comes down to their inquisitive nature that can be encouraged early in their formative years. These qualities are no doubt essential in the growth of a child when it comes to their academics, mental and holistic development.

Inquiry-based learning should be a prerequisite for children

Every child deserves the best when it comes to their all-round development, and it can likely be achieved by using the aforementioned method. Granted, it comes with its own set of challenges like the curriculum needs to be re-tailored, teachers might need support, understanding the audience and so on. However, these challenges are solvable and should not come in the way of inquiry-based learning for kindergarten and nursery school children.

Among the good CBSE schools in Bangalore, Edify is one that comes with a curriculum that encompasses the full range of developmental needs for any child. The life-like experience and application of learned concepts is something that is encouraged. It’s inclusivity to help students learn requisite and standard skills is something parents an keep in mind when they are looking for schools near Chikkabanavara.


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